Monday 9 April 2018

Summary of the day (09.04.18)

Class 6: Reading and explanation of the chapter 'The White Elephant'.
H.W.: Do Exercise B. (c) and (d) on Pg 13 of the Literature book, in book itself.

Class 7: Discussed book exercises of the chapter 'Birdie, will you Pet?', Alliteration, rhyme scheme and Gerunds.
H.W.: Read the chapter 'A Hero'.

Class 8: (English) Reading, explanation and summarizing of the Reader Book's unit 'Changing Times'.
(G. K.) The Holy Terms (Pg 1 of the G. K. book), Prefixes and Suffixes were discussed.
H.W.: Paste General Knowledge and Current Affairs related Articles from the newspaper / magazines / internet in the G.K. notebook. Also write in brief about the articles pasted. Submit the same by Thursday, 12.04.18

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