Monday 9 April 2018

Class 8th A's assembly on World Health Day (09.04.18)

World Health Day is celebrated all over the world on 7th April everywhere. This year it was the 70th anniversary of the World Health Day. The concept was initiated by the WHO and gradually under its umbrella, it has been including all the nations. Health is the most crucial aspect of every individual's life and is often neglected due to our busy schedules and our negligence. We need to be extra cautionary regarding our health and should take all possible measures to maintain it.

Keeping the same view in mind, the students of Class 8th A (Primus) narrated a poem and organized a Talk Show in the morning assembly, which was followed by a little Quiz for all the students of the Primus segment.  The audience gave an over-whelming response to the questions that were put to them, on the basis of the Talk Show. It helped in enlightening our students about good health and its importance.

Here are a few glimpses of the day:

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