Tuesday 28 November 2017

Summary of the day (28.11.17)

Class 5 : Pamphlet designing and reading of the story 'Its Getting Hotter'.
H. W. : Paste any four advertisements or pamphlets in the notebook.
Activity : Design a Pamphlet : to be held on 01.12.17. Prepare content to advertise any one of the following -
A pen/pencil
A new brand of spectacles
A new mobile phone
A school bag.
- Bring colored pens/pencils / pictures to be used.

Class 6 : Reading and explanation of the poem 'Bharat Desh', along with the book exercises of the same.
H. W. : Paste assignment 15 in the notebook and complete the answers.

Class 7 : Reading and explanation of the fable 'A Spider and A Fly' along with the book exercises of the same.
H. W. : Find out the meaning of the word 'Fable' and note down the names of a few fables.

Class 8 : Reading and explanation of the play 'A Bad Dream'.
H. W. : Read the play again. 

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