Thursday 27 July 2017

The Helpful Young Man, class 6, synopsis

The Helpful Young Man

  • A peasant lived with his seven sons.
  • One morning he got up n found himself blind
  • Doctors were consulted, treatments were done. All in vain
  • A faqir advised , ashes of eyes of  a particular fish should be rubbed on his eyelids.
  • The elder six sons were reluctant to do so but the youngest one tried. He faced many difficulties and ultimately succeeded.
  • Elder brothers got jealous of him and asked him to leave the house
  • He saw a beautiful princess who had put a condition that she would the man who evades his reflection from her magical mirror and if he failed in doing so, would be beheaded.
  • The young man sought help from the fish,  the buck and the jackal whose life he saved. He hid himself right under the princess's bed and fulfilled the condition. The princess married him and they lived happily ever after.
#Happy Reading :)

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