Sunday, 25 July 2021

Class Log - 26.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Reading, explanation and discussion of text on Pg 40-41.

Class VII - A: Reading, explanation and discussion of texts and questions from Pgs 44-48.

Class VIII - A: Completed the Letter of Suggestion. 

H.W.: Q1: You are Suryansh/Superna, a resident of Boggle Society. You recently bought a new TV but on use, found out that the screen has got some faults. Write a letter of complaint to the seller- Das Electronics and mention the defect in your Samsung TV. Also, request for its replacement.

Q2: You are a member of the Animal Welfare Society. You noticed some animals being ill treated by the children of Aarogya Society, especially when they come out to play in the evening without their parents. Some kids throw stones at them and other throw cold water or the garbage on them to have fun. Write a letter to the Secretary of the Aarogya Society, suggesting how can they manage this behaviour by the children.

Friday, 23 July 2021

Class Log: 23.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Summary writing Practise questions were attempted by students. Listening Skills practise activity was conducted in class.

Class VII - A: Pronouns continued.

Class VIII - A: Completed Writing Letter of Complaint (Sample).

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Class Log - 22.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Summary Writing was discussed and important points and sample question were written in the notebook.

Class VII - A: Introduction to Pronouns. Some introductory notes were written in the notebook.

Class VIII - A: Format of Letter of Complaint/Suggestion was discussed and written in the notebook. Sample question was also written.

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Class Log - 20.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Q5 of Unit 4 was done in notebook.

Class VII - A: Reading of passage on Pg 42-43 and discussed all related questions.

Class VIII - A: Reading and explanation of the passage on Pg 30 of the Student's book. Kinds of sentences Presentations + writing of work in notebook.

HW: Make notes of the passage read in class today.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Class Log: 19.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Reading and explanation of text A and B on Pg 18 and 19 of the textbook. Questions related to the passages were also attempted.

Class VII - A:  Reading and explanation of texts on Pg 35-39. Parenthetical punctuations were also explained.

Class VIII - A: Topic sentences were discussed. Also the techniques to be used in composing an article were used. Notebook work:

Friday, 16 July 2021

Class Log - 17.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Spider-diagram type Note taking - was done in class.

H.W.: Make notes in the form of a spider diagram of the extract 'Plastic has turned into an environmental disaster' (Pg 44 of the Student's book).

Class VIII - A: Debate activity (Group 1 and 2)

Class Log: 16.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Worksheet 2 of types of sentences was attempted. UT2 syllabus was written in the notebook. Wrote UT2 syllabus in notebook.

Class VII - A: Rules of Punctuations and examples were discussed.

Class VIII - A: Practise question on Travelogue writing was attempted in the class.
UT2 syllabus was written in the notebook.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Class Log - 15.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Wrote the notes of types of sentences.

Worksheet 1 was discussed and attempted in the notebook. Worksheet 2 was given for practise.

Class VII - A: Punctuations were discussed and written in the notebook.

Class VIII - A: Debate activity (Group 3 and 4) was conducted.

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Class Log - 14.07.2021

Class VI - A: A video was shown to introduce the Simple, Compound and Complex sentences, followed by explanation of the same. Students wrote notes in the notebook.

Class VII - A: Spider diagram type note making was done on the following text:

HW: Make spider diagram notes of the Text A on Pg 52.

Class VIII - A: Completed writing the Sample travelogue.

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Class Log - 12.07.2021

 Class VI A : Colour-coding technique : Pg 12 of the text-book.

Class VII A: Read extracts 1, 2 and 3 from Pgs 16-19, based on Dracula. Wrote answers to Q1 and 2 in notebook. H.W.: Sketch a Dracula on the basis of your reading of the extracts today. Also, attempt to complete the table on Pg 19 in the book for further discussion.

Class VIII A: Group Discussion for Debates

Friday, 9 July 2021

Class Log - 09.07.2021

 Class VI - A : Giving Feedback - Sample and Practise questions.

Class VII - A: Email Writing - Format and sample were done in the notebook.

Class VIII - A: Travelogue Writing: Format + Sample

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Class Log 08.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Symbolism was explained in details and its definition and examples were written in the notebook. Students were given a question to attempt, about writing the description of some symbols given to them.

Class VII - A: Compound Words were explained and written in the notebook.

Class VIII - A: Debate Writing was discussed. Groups and roles were decided too. Groups were also divided for 'Crafty Fingers' Speakathon'.

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Class Log - 07.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Students were told in detail about the Sustainable Development Goals and Symbolism in English literature was discussed.

Sustainable Development Goals:

(1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

Class VII - A: Creating characters: Sample and practise questions were given.

Class VIII - A: Activity: Craft Fingers' Speakaton 

Class Log 06.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Worksheet on Prefix and Suffix was completed. 

Class VII - A: Discussion of Creating rounded characters. Wrote answers to Q5 (Pg 29) in notebook. H.W.: Do Q4 (Word-wheels) .

Class VIII - A: Discussion of formal and informal language styles and their aspects. Reading of extract on Pg 39.

Sunday, 4 July 2021

Class Log: 05.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Discussed the answers of the worksheet given on Saturday. Homophones were discussed.

Class VII - A: Activity: Expression of the Assigned word was conducted.

Creating characters was discussed.

Class VIII - A: Read the passage on Pg 36-37 and attempted Q1-Q6.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Class Log 03.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Prefixes and Suffixes were explained along with rules and examples. Notes of the same were written in the notebook.

H.W.: Attempt the worksheet given.

Class VIII - A: Sample Debate writing continued. Refer to Pg 83 of the textbook for terms related to debate writing.

H.W.:  As a part of ‘Grow India’ initiate taken by the government, you came across people living in villages who are still struggling for basic amenities. For them, equality would mean access to electricity, clean water, roads, education and technology. Draft a debate, in not more than 200 words, choosing to write either for or against the motion.

Class Log : 02.07.2021

 Class VI - A: Travelogue Sample was written in the notebook.

Class VII - A: Figures of Speech and the 'Show, Don't Tell' technique were explained and written in the notebook.

Class VIII - A: Debate Writing Sample Question 2 was written in the notebook.

Lohri celebration