Sunday 28 February 2021

Class VIII - A - Exit Year Ceremony

 On 24th February, Class VIII - A celebrated its Exit Year Ceremony, wherein students performed on the 'STORYLINE ONLINE - STORY NARRATION' of The Coal Thief by Alan Adams. Also, students performed a Jugalbandi. Aditya Agarwal made a special instrumental performance, Ansh amazed us all with his tribute to all his teachers and friends and all the students shared their experiences and their learnings with us. Ms. Jyotsna Kumar, Coordinator Cambridge International, also addressed the students and motivated them for a life time of learning. Some parents also joined us. A special thanks to Ms. Shalini Gupta for sharing her views and blessings for the students.

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Monday 22 February 2021

Sunday 21 February 2021

Friday 19 February 2021

Class Log : 20.02.2021

 Class 7 : Practice writing task: Write an article for young children that gives information about a minor childhood illness.

You will need to:

- choose an illness that you know about or invent one

- use headings to help make the information clear - for example, first signs that you have caught it, how it is caught, how to treat it.

Do not include illustrations.

Write your plan out first.

Thursday 18 February 2021

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Class Log: 18.02.2021

 Class VI: Dictation

Class VII: Listening Skills practice

Class VIII: Article writing practice in the notebook.

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Class Log : 17.02.2021

 Class VI: Comprehension passage 3 from unit 7 was read turn wise.

Class VII: Informative Leaflet - Revision in notebook.

Class VIII: Interactive session.

Monday 15 February 2021

Class Log 16.02.2021

 Class 6: News report Writing

Class 7: Comprehension Passage from Unit 7 was discussed and answers were written in the notebook.

Class 8: Doubts were discussed and dealt with.

Basant Panchmi


Class Log - 15.02.2021

Class 6: Reading comprehension 2 from Unit 7 of the textbook was discussed. 

Class 7: Important tips for the exam were discussed and a reading comprehension passage was practised from Unit 7 of the textbook.

Thursday 11 February 2021

Class Log 12.02.2021

 Class VI: Email writing practice questions were done in class.

Class VIII: Sample Paper 2 was discussed.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Class Log: 11.02.2021

 Class VI: Email writing question was attempted by students in class.

Class VII: Comprehension Passage was practiced from Unit 7 of the book.

Class VIII: Comprehension Passage practice from Sample Paper 2.

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Class Log: 10.02.21

 Class VI: Email Writing format was discussed and written in the notebook.

Class VIII: Second sample paper was started.

Monday 8 February 2021

Class Log: 09.02.2021

 Class VI: Sample Paper discussion

Class VII: Sample Paper Discussion

Class Log : 08.02.2021

 Class VI: Sample Paper discussion. Order of Adjectives was revised.

Class VII: Sample Paper discussion.

Class VIII: Activity: The 7 wonders. Also, comprehension passage was practised from Unit 7 of the textbook.

Thursday 4 February 2021

Happy Grandparents' Day

 Grandparents are gifts of God and they keep showering their love on their grandchildren everyday. They live their second childhood with the...