Saturday, 12 May 2018

Mothers' Day activity, class 8 A

'All that I am or ever will be, I owe to my mother.' This one relation keeps everything in order. A mother is our first teacher and our forever friend. She supports us and takes care of us. She nourishes us and nurtures us every single day. To celebrate this special day, students of Class 8A Primus made cards with a message for their mothers.
Attached herewith are a few pictures of the same.
Wishing you all a very happy Mothers' Day 🎀

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

The Role of mothers in our life

The Role of Mothers in Our Life
The word mother itself is symbolic to God. The day you conceived and then open your eyes for the first time in this world, the one person that poured all the love and affection she holds in her heart is the mother.
What she does for a child since the day he arrives can’t be done by anyone else. Nurturing to the best, loving without any condition, taking care, teaching how to walk, talk and telling the basics of life since the childhood are some of the roles that can’t be performed well by anyone other than a mother.
A mother undoubtedly plays the most vital role in our overall development. Her importance and significance in our life are superlative to all other possessions. No matter how much you succeed the one working and praying behind the scene for you is always a mother.
Promising you to give the best things possible at her end, she is the one to be thanked for making you what you are today. Her unconditional love and devotion are incomparable to everything else in this world. And when it comes to dedicate one day in the year just to her, it should be made as special as she is in our lives. The bond between a mother and a child can be best relished on the occasion of Mother’s Day.

Friday, 4 May 2018

Parvarish : Connecting to your child

Connecting to your child:
Understanding their needs and feelings and being able to effectively communicate your needs and feelings is at the heart of resolving the niggling issues.
Come join us for the one day program which will not only alter your experience of Parenting but also provide your child a nurturing space to thrive.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Running Dictation Class 6

Students made slips of every alphabet and then arranged them to form the spellings of the different words dictated. They learnt spellings by repeating them and arranging them properly. 

Lohri celebration