Wednesday 31 January 2018

Summary of the day (31.01.18)

Class 5 : Sample paper was distributed and the first unseen passage was discussed.
H. W. : Do the section A of the sample paper given today.

Class 6 : Answers to the practice questions of Our Tree were discussed. Dialogue completion assignment was discussed.
H. W. : Prepare for Dictation from the chapters 'Hanuman and I' and 'Bharat Desh'.

Class 8 : The alternate set's paper was done. Also, the formats of all writing skills topics, along with important points to be kept in mind while framing descriptive answers, were discussed. 

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Summary of the day (30.01.18)

Class 5 : Discussed assignment 16 (unseen passage) and a quiz on fearless fighter and plant a tree. Notebooks were collected for correction.

Class 6 : Discussed revision questions of 'The Case of copied question papers' and Dictation of the poem 'Our Tree'.
H. W. : Revision questions of 'Our Tree'.
Prepare for Dictation and revision of 'Hanuman and I'.

Class 7 : Dialogue completion assignment was discussed.
H. W. : Do the dialogue completion assignment in notebook, to be submitted for correction tomorrow.

Class 8 : Grammar and Reading comprehension portions of the alternate set of pre-board exam were discussed. 

Monday 29 January 2018

Summary of the day (29.01.18)

Class 5 : Dictation from the chapter 'The Fearless Fighter'.
H. W. : Prepare for class test from the same chapter and do correction work for the Dictation.

Class 6 : Dictation of the chapter 'The Case of Copied Question Papers'. Practice questions were given, to be attempted at home.
H. W. :Do correction work and the practice questions. Also, prepare for Dictation and class test from the poem 'Our Tree'.

Class 7 : Dictation and class test of the chapter 'The Stormy Adventure' was conducted.

Class 8 : SA2 listening skills and Dictation was taken. Rules of using Modals were written in the notebook.
H. W. : Submit Notebooks with complete work for checking tomorrow. 

Thursday 25 January 2018

Summary of the day (25.01.18)

Class 5 : Republic Day worksheet was done.
H. W. : Prepare for class test and Dictation of the chapter 'The Fearless Fighter', to be conducted on Monday (29.01.18)

Class 6 : Debate was conducted in the class.
H. W. : Prepare for class test and Dictation from the chapter 'The Case of Copied Question Papers', to be conducted on Monday (29.01.18)

Class 7 : Progression practice.
H. W. : Class test postponed to Monday (29.01.18)

Class 8 : Pre-board's checked answer sheets were distributed and the answers were discussed. Important points to be kept in mind while writing answers were discussed. 

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Class 7's Being a Radio Jockey activity

The students of class 7 A enthusiastically participated in the Radio Jockey activity and came up with some brilliant and creative ideas to advertise for Mars. Not only was their confidence seen soaring high, they gave their contribution in diverse ways. Voice modulation, facts, jokes, songs and even the prank calls were a part of it. Students made the activity all the more enjoyable with the different voices they tried to speak in.

Summary of the day (24.01.18)

Class 5 : Worksheets 14 & 15 were discussed and done.  The differences between there and their, here and hear, hearing and listening were discussed.
H.W. : Do assignment 16 (unseen passage) in notebook, except question 5.

Class 6 : Important points on the Passive Voice were discussed and written in the notebook.
H.W. : Do the question on changing the voice of the sentences given in class today.

Class 7 : Revision
H.W. : Prepare for class test and Dictation from the chapter 'A Stormy Adventure', to be conducted tomorrow.

Class 8 : Important points to be kept in mind for the exam, based on set A of the pre-board exam were discussed. 

Monday 22 January 2018

Summary of the day (22.01.18)

Class 5 : Discussion on Peace and practice of the Peace song.

Class 6 : Discussion based on Peace and notebook work of Modals.

Class 7 : Notebook work of Linkers.

Class 8 : Revision of the chapter 'The Fun They Had' 

Saturday 20 January 2018

Summary of the day (20.01.18)

Class 5 : Elocution

Class 6 : Letter to the editor. Sample questions were done in the notebook.
H. W. : Practice question on letter to the editor.

Class 7 : Rules and examples of reported speech were discussed and written in the notebook.

Class 8 : Pre-board exam was conducted. 

Friday 19 January 2018

Summary of the day (19.01.18)

Class 5 : Progression practice
Class 6 : Progression practice
Class 7 : Radio Jockey activity and notebook work on Reported Speech.
Class 8 : Students' Problem from SA2 syllabus were discussed. 

Thursday 18 January 2018

Summary of the day (18.01.18)

Class 5 : Discussed the concept of Peace and the International Peace Day.
Elocution activity was also conducted.

Class 6 : JAM session.
Format of Formal letter.

Class 7 : Activity 'Radio Jockey' was conducted.

Class 8 : Listening Skills based on the poem 'Daffodils' was conducted. 

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Summary of the day (17.01.18)

Class 5 : Elocution activity on the topic 'What can I, as an individual, do to fight the climate change'.
Dictation sheets were distributed.
H.W. : Do Correction work of the wrong spellings (5 times)  in the Dictation.

Class 6 : J.A.M. Session on the topic 'I am proud to be an Indian'.
Dictation sheets and listening skills' worksheets were distributed.
H.W. : Do Correction work of the wrong spellings (4 times)  in the Dictation.

Class 7 : Radio Jockey Activity on the topic 'Advertising Mars' was conducted.
H.W. : Unchecked notebooks to be completed in all respects and to be submitted for checking tomorrow.

Class 8 : Revision of the poem 'Granny's Tree Climbing' and Couplets.
H.W. : Unchecked notebooks to be submitted tomorrow.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Common contractions in English.

Dear all
Attaching herewith some common contractions used in English. I hope they will be helpful.
Happy Reading :)

Monday 15 January 2018

Summary of the day (15.01.18)

Class 5 : Dictation and introduction to Article Writing.

Class 6 : Dictation and Listening skills activity.

Class 7 : Dictation and listening skills activity.

Class 8 : Activity - JAM on the topic 'Tolerance'. 

Friday 12 January 2018

Summary of the day (12.01.18)

Class 5 : Modals : explanation and examples, notebook work.
H. W. : Prepare for Dictation on 15th January, from the chapter 'The Green Act'.

Class 6 : Completed the book exercises Passive Voice.
Letter to the editor was introduced in the class.
H. W. : Do worksheet 11- a and b part of the passive voice in practice book (Pg 143-145).
 Prepare for Dictation on 15th January, from the chapter 'The Case of the Copied Question Papers'.

Class 7 : Introduction to letter to the editor. Its format and key points were discussed in the class and were written in the notebook.
H.W. :  Prepare for Dictation on 15th January.

Class 8 : Revision of The Children's Song. Important points of the poem were written in the notebook.
Activity : JAM on the topic 'Tolerance'. 

Happy Grandparents' Day

 Grandparents are gifts of God and they keep showering their love on their grandchildren everyday. They live their second childhood with the...