Class 5 : Discussed and distributed SA1 answer scripts.
Class 6 : Read article A1 of the unit Performing arts.
Discussed the survey activity which has to be submitted by Monday, 25.09.17
Class 7 : Read a poem related to determination from the unit Achievers.
H. W. :Bring the mater required for the activity tomorrow, as per the diary note.
Class 8 : Read and discussed the poem 'The Children's Song'.
Discussed 6 words' story.
Class 6 : Discussion of the syllabus and activities
Introduction to the Reader book's unit 'Performing arts'
H. W. :Adopt a plant
Class 7 : Discussed and distributed checked SA1 English answer scripts.
Introduction to the Reader book's unit 'Achievers'.
Discussion of the syllabus and activities for the term.
H. W. :Think of a 6 words' story.
Class 8 : Discussion of the syllabus and activities for the term.
Concept of a diamante poem.
Six words' stories.
H. W. :Think of a 6 words' story.
Prepare for Dictation to happen on 21.09.17 (marked)