Thursday 31 August 2017

Summary of the day (31.08.17)

Class 5 :Did a Grammar revision worksheet.

Class 6 :Did a revision worksheet.
H. W. :Write answers to all the questions from the worksheet discussed today and submit it tomorrow.

Class 7 :Did reading comprehension practice worksheet.

Class 8 :Activity : listening skills 

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Summary of the day (30.08.17)

Class 5 : Discussed writing skills' questions
H. W. : Write the bio-sketch of your friend.

Class 7: Discussed sample paper

Class 8 : Revision Worksheet based upon topics from writing section, grammar and literature.
H. W. : Prepare for Dictation on 01.09.17 (from all chapters of mid-term exam's syllabus) 

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Summary of the day (29.08.17)

Class 5 : Practice questions of writing skills.
H. W. : Write answers for the extra questions given in a rough notebook.

Class 6 : Practice questions of writing skills.
H. W. : Write answers for the extra questions given in a rough notebook.

Class 7: Discussed sample paper.
Read the story Chachi's funeral.
H. W. : Attempt section A and B of the sample paper in a rough notebook.

Class 8 : Worksheet based on Reading Comprehension
H. W. :Practise Worksheet on Dialogue Completion. 

Monday 28 August 2017

Summary of the day (28.08.17)

Class 5 : Discussed sample paper
Class 6: Discussed sample paper
Class 8: Discussed sample paper 

Happy Grandparents' Day

 Grandparents are gifts of God and they keep showering their love on their grandchildren everyday. They live their second childhood with the...